Data Protection Notice

What is the purpose of this notice? has been processing online hostel reservations since 1999, andwhile much has changed in the world of hostel travelling over the years, one thingthat hasn't is our commitment to protecting your privacy. This notice sets out detailsof the information that we collect about you, how we process it, to whom we discloseit, and your rights under data protection law in relation to our processing of your data.

This data protection notice covers personal data that is collected through all of ourwebsites (such as,, through our mobile sitesand applications, and through booking engines that are integrated into third partywebsites. Although you should bear in mind that where you access our bookingengine on a third-party website, this data protection notice only applies to informationwe collect through your use of the booking engine, and does not apply to datacollected or held by the operator of the third party website.

Who controls the use of your personal data?

When this data protection notice mentions "we", "us", "our" or ""we are referring to Evolve Immersions Limited. This is the Irish company thatoperates the booking platform that allows you to make reservations, and is in chargeof the processing of your personal data.

Evolve Immersions Limited's registered company number is 515240, and itsregistered address is 55 Hanover Dock, Forbes St. Hanover Quay, grand Canal,Dublin 2. You can contact us using the details at the end of this notice, or if you haveany queries in relation to the processing of your personal data you can also contactour Data Protection Officer by emailing or by calling+353 1 443 4512.

Information that you give to us:
Most of the personal data that we collect about you will be information that you havegiven to us yourself. This might include:

What personal data is collected?

In order for us process your booking we will ask you for certain information, such asyour name, your email address, your payment information and booking details. Wealso collect certain information from the device you use to access our website, suchas your IP address, what browser you use and what type of device you are using. Inaddition to the information that we collect ourselves, we sometimes receiveinformation that is collected on our behalf by third parties, such as when you see advert displayed on a third party site.

Personal information that we collect automatically:
When you use our websites, mobile apps or booking engines we use varioustechnologies to automatically capture details about the device you are using and howyou interact with our platforms. This information includes:

Personal information we receive from other sources:
Although we mainly collect information directly from you, there are circumstanceswhere we collect information from third party sources. These circumstances include:

Why do you use my personal data?

As you probably expect, the main reason we use your personal data is in order toprocess your bookings and to deal with any queries or issues that arise in relation tothose bookings. We also use your personal data for a number of other reasons, suchas tailoring adverts and our marketing emails so they are relevant to you, monitoringyour use of our websites and apps to help us make improvements, and to providethe additional services that we make available on our website and apps.Bookings - We use your personal data in order to process bookings and to let youmanage your bookings through our platforms. Where we process personal data forthis purpose we will do so either on the basis that we have a contractual duty to doso, or on the basis of our legitimate interests in providing the booking service.

Queries and Complaints - When you send us a query in relation to abooking, or if you have a complaint in relation to a property, we will processyour personal data in order to answer your query or in order to resolve yourcomplaint. Where we process personal data in the context of a query orcomplaint we will do so on the basis of our legitimate interest in resolvingcustomer queries and complaints. If you volunteer data in relation to yourhealth, we will process that personal data on the basis that you consent to ususing it in order to resolve your query or complaint.• Reviews - When you provide a review for a property we will publish this on theproperty's page on our website, and on our some of our partners' sites. We willdisplay the text of your review, alongside details of your gender, age range,home country and number of previous reviews. If you have not opted to beanonymous, we will also display your username alongside your review. Our processing of your personal data in order to make reviews available is on thebasis of our legitimate interest in making the review system available to ourusers.• Providing and Improving our Services - Where we collect data in relation toyour use of our services, such as your device details and how you interact withour services, we use this data in order to deliver our services and personaliseyour experience (e.g. if you turn on location services on your mobile device,we will use this as part of the search function). We also use the data to testnew features that we are thinking about introducing, to analyse how ourwebsite is used, and to evaluate and improve our services. If we find aproblem on our websites or apps, we will use your data in order to fix any bugsthat we find. We may also process your personal data as part of ourdevelopment work, where we take a copy of our database and test our codeon that before rolling it out to the live version of the database. Where possiblewe use this data on an anonymous basis, but sometimes this might not bepossible. All of this processing of your personal data is on the basis of ourlegitimate interests in operating, improving and securing our services. Pleasealso see our separate notice in relation to the testing that we undertake.• Analysis/Reporting - We use data in relation to bookings in order to createinternal reports regarding how our business is operating, such as determininghow what we have spend on advertising affects the number of bookings thatare made. We also use this data for other commercial analysis purposes, andto try to predict future trends that may affect our business. This processing isundertaken on an aggregated basis, so you are not identifiable from thereports or analysis that is produced.• Advertising - We always want to ensure that when you see advert it will be relevant to you and your interests, whetherthe advert appears on a website we operate, in our marketing emails or on athird-party site. We may also use the same information to show you adverts forcarefully selected third-party products and services. We do this in a number ofways, either ourselves or through the use of third-party advertisers:◦ Making Adverts Relevant To You - When you are using our websitesand apps we use the searches you have made and the properties thatyou have looked at in order to tailor our adverts to your interests. Forexample, if you have been searching for hostels in Paris, we might usethis information to display adverts to you on our websites and on thirdparty websites for hostels in Paris that you might be interested in. Wemay also use this information in order to tailor the adverts that appear inour email newsletter. We may also use data about your pasttransactions on the website to tailor our advertising. For example, if wenotice you haven't made any bookings for a while, we might send you acredit to your account as an incentive to make a new booking.Weprocess your personal data in connection with tailoring our adverts onthe basis of our legitimate interests in ensuring that our advertising iseffective.

Segmentation - When we develop some of our advertising campaignswe have certain groups of people in mind who we want to see theadvert. This might be people in a particular age range, people who havemade a booking recently, or people from a particular geographic locationor who speak a particular language. We use the data that we hold inorder to create groups of people that we then display an advert to, orask our third-party advertising partners to display an advert to. Weprocess your personal data in connection with creating these groups ofpeople on the basis of our legitimate interests in ensuring that ouradvertising, or the advertising of third parties, is effective.◦ Audience Matching - Some of our advertising partners, like Facebookand Twitter, provide a feature that helps us to identify if we havecustomers or users in common. Rather than sharing personal data withour advertising partners in order to find out if we have customers orusers in common, we actually share what is known as a "hash" of thedata that we hold (such as an email address). A hash is created by acomputer programme that converts data into a string of numbers andletters, but only operates in one direction. This means that you can't usea hash to find out the underlying information, but if you run the hash onthe same data you always get the same results. Our advertisingpartners compare their hashes with the hashes we send them, and ifthere is a match you are added to our custom audience. The hashes arethen deleted by the advertising partner. We use audience matching toenable us to show you more relevant adverts, or to ensure that we don'tshow you an advert that isn't relevant to you. We process your personaldata in connection with audience matching on the basis of our legitimateinterests in ensuring hat our advertising, or the advertising of thirdparties, is effective.

Emails and App Notifications - Where we have collected your email addressin the context of providing you with a service and you have not opted out ofreceiving email marketing, we may send you emails that we think will be usefulto you. This may include our regular e-newsletter, special offers, travel tips,customer surveys and information about products and services offered by us.If you have given your consent, we will send you offers from selected thirdparties. These emails may include advertising that has been tailored usingother information that we hold about you, as set out above in the 'Advertising'section. Where your settings on your device permit us to send appnotifications we may also send you app notifications containing similarinformation. You may opt out of receiving email messages at any time byclicking on the link provided in the email messages, and app notifications canbe disabled by changing the notification settings in your app. Although whenwe send you an email or app notification this may in certain circumstances beon the basis of your consent, for all other purposes our processing of yourpersonal data in connection with those emails or app notifications is on thebasis of our legitimate interests in ensuring that our advertising is effective.

Affiliate Programme - We operate an affiliate programme under which thirdparties advertise our website on our behalf. If you click on one of thoseadvertisements you are directed to our website using a technology that allowsus to understand which affiliate referred you. We then track if you make abooking, and if you do we attribute that booking to the affiliate for the purposesof paying them a commission. However, we don't provide the affiliate with anypersonal information in relation to you. We process your personal data inconnection with our affiliate programme on the basis of our legitimate interestin operating an effective commission based affiliate advertising programme.• Competitions - We often run competitions on our website and on our socialmedia channels. When we operate a competition we may take the opportunityto also ask you some market research questions, so that we can betterunderstand our business and your needs. We will therefore process yourpersonal data in order to operate the competition, and for market researchpurposes. We process your personal data in connection with operatingcompetitions on the basis of our legitimate interest in operating the competitionand conducting market research. Please note that competitions may besubject to their own data protection notices and separate terms andconditions.• Surveys - We sometimes undertake market research surveys to betterunderstand our customers and prospective customers. These can be generalsurveys to understand the market, or they might be more specific to you. Forexample, we may want to understand if you are generally positive or if you have concerns. We may then send you tailoredcommunications on the basis of the survey responses. Where this is the casewe will let you know at the time that you complete the survey. We process yourpersonal data in connection with our surveys on the basis of our legitimateinterest in conducting market research and promoting our brands.

Information you are required to provide

You are not obliged to provide us with any of your personal data. However, if youwant to make a booking you will need to provide us with the information that isindicated as required on our checkout page. If you don't provide us with thisinformation, we won't be able to process your booking. Similarly, you may berequired to provide certain information if you want to enter into a competition,participate in a survey, or if you contact our Customer Services team with a query orcomplaint. We will inform you where such information is required.

Who do we share your personal data with?

If you purchase an ancillary service we may need to share personal data with thethird-party service provider so that they can provide you with that service.As part of our online advertising programmes we may share your personal data withthird parties, who will combine it with data that they hold about you in order to tailoradverts that appear on third-party websites (which may be our own adverts, oradverts we serve on behalf of third parties). Where this data is shared you are notdirectly identifiable from the information itself, as we use technologies that use nonpersonallyidentifiable codes and tags.We also use a number of service providers to assist us in providing our services,some of whom will have access to your data (e.g. we use various software serviceproviders who host our data as part of their services). Where we engage a third partyto process your data on our behalf, we make sure that they respect your privacyrights and that they process data in accordance with data protection law.Although we hope it never happens, on very rare occasions our customers can getinto difficulties whilst travelling. Where we think that there is a risk to your health orwellbeing, we may share your personal data with third parties in order to get you help(e.g. we might be asked to assist with locating a missing person). We may alsoreceive requests from law enforcement agencies for personal data that we hold. Insuch circumstances we will only share your personal data with such law enforcementagencies in compliance with data protection law.

Group Companies - There are a number of companies in our group that helpus to provide our services. These subsidiaries and offices may have access toyour personal data in providing us with intra-group services, but they onlyprocess it in accordance with our instructions and subject to appropriatesafeguards.• Service Providers - As you can imagine, our business requires a lot of workbehind the scenes. We use a large number of specialist service providers toassist us in operating our business and to provide us with specialist services.Not all of these service providers will have access to your personal data, butwhere they do we make sure that they are carefully selected by us to ensurethat they respect your privacy rights. The categories of service providers thatwe currently engage include the following:◦ Hosting Providers - We use various cloud service providers to help ushost and manage our data. This means that the data is hosted remotelyby the third party, and access by us in, rather thansitting on our systems.◦ Payment Processors - We use third-party payment processors in orderto assist us with taking payments.◦ Customer Relationship Management - We use a third-party providerto host our customer relationship management system, which ourCustomer Services team uses to record all contacts that you have withus and how we have resolved your queries and complaints.
Technology Providers - This includes service providers who provideservices that help us to secure our network, systems and emails. It alsoincludes providers of services that enable us to undertake particulartasks, such as surveys or market research, or to implement ouradvertising programme.◦ Consultants - We sometimes engage consultants to help us implementnew technology or services, or to provide us with insights into how werun our business and how we might improve it. This sometimes requiresus to provide access to our systems to those third parties, which meansthat they may have access to where your personal data is stored. Wealways make sure that any such access is limited to what is strictlynecessary, and subject to appropriate security procedures.◦ Auditors - We have an internal and external audit function that isprovided by third parties. The auditors help us to ensure that we arecomplying with our legal obligations, including in relation to ourprocessing of personal data. In certain circumstances this may meanthat they have access to our systems that process personal data, or thatthey might need to review how we have processed certain personaldata.

Third-Party Advertisers - When we purchase advertising on third-partywebsites we may share information with them about your use of our services,which they then combine with the information that they hold about you in orderto implement the particular advertising campaign. The data that is shared withthird-party advertisers relates to how you use our websites and apps, such asthe pages you have visited, the searches you have made, and whether youhave made a booking. We use specialist service providers to help us purchaseadvertising, and to transfer the information about your use of our services tothird party advertisers that is required for those third party advertisers to beable to show you the correct advert.• Ancillary Services - We sometimes work with partners to make servicesavailable to you that we think will be useful. If you avail of one of theseservices we may need to provide your details to that third party in order toallow them to provide the service. We may also share non-personallyidentifiable information with the third party to enable them to track that wereferred you to them.

Retention of personal data

We retain your personal data in accordance with our record retention policy. Therecord retention policy operates on the principle that we keep personal data for nolonger than is necessary for the purpose for which we collected it, and in accordancewith any requirements that are imposed on us by law. This means that the retentionperiod for your personal data will vary depending on the type of personal data.

Transaction Data - If you are an active user of our website (i.e. you have made abooking in the last 18 months) we want to ensure that you have access to data inrelation to your previous bookings, and that we have access to this data for our ownbusiness purposes. We therefore won't delete your transaction data whilst youremain an active customer, unless you ask us to do so. If you cease to be an activecustomer, we will retain your personal data for a period of 4 years, in case you returnto our website and want to continue using your account, and also so that we cancontinue to use transaction data to improve our services and undertake businessanalysis. After this 4 year period we anonymise the data, so that it is no longerpossible for us to link it to you. However, our anonymisation process does let us reidentifyyou if you return to our site and use the same email address to make abooking. Please also note that if you are subscribed to our marketing database wewill retain certain details even after the 4 year period expires, as set out below.• Email Marketing - We will keep a copy of personal data that is required inorder to send you marketing messages for as long as you are subscribed toreceive those marketing messages. We will also retain certain information inrelation to your transactions in order to allow us to customise our marketingmessages. If you are subscribed to receive marketing messages and yourtransaction data is anonymised in our main database, we will continue toretain certain details in relation to your transactions, such as where you havebooked properties before, what types of property you have booked, whetheryou have used our apps or our websites, your average length of stay, andwhat countries you have made bookings for and in.

For personal data that is not transaction data or related to email marketing, we willapply the following criteria:
Managing legal claims – When we assess how long we keep personal datawe take into account whether that data may be required in order to defend anylegal claims which may be made. If such data is required, we may keep it untilthe statute of limitations runs out in relation to the type of claim that can bemade (which varies from 2 to 12 years).• Business requirements – As we only collect personal data for definedpurposes, we assess how long we need to keep personal data for in order tomeet our reasonable business purposes.

Important Information about Consent

When we process your personal data on the basis of your consent, you are free towithdraw that consent at any time. You can withdraw your consent by contacting ususing the contact details at the bottom of this notice. If your consent relates toreceiving email marketing you can use the unsubscribe link in the email, or if itrelates to app notifications you can turn off app notifications using your devicesettings. Please note that if you withdraw your consent we may not be able tocontinue to provide the related service to you.

Your rights under data protection law

You have various rights under data protection law in connection with our processingof your personal data. For example, you have the right to request a copy of yourpersonal data that we hold and to request that we correct any errors in the personaldata that we hold. These rights are subject to certain exceptions and exemptions.For more details about your rights, click here.You have the following rights under data protection law:• Right to access your personal data - You have the right to request a copy ofthe personal data that we hold about you, together with other informationabout our processing of that personal data.• Right to rectification – You have the right to request that any inaccurate datathat is held about you is corrected, or if we have incomplete information youmay request that we update the information so that it is complete.• Right to erasure – You have the right to request us to delete personal datathat we hold about you. This is sometimes referred to as the right to beforgotten.• Right to restriction of processing or to object to processing – You havethe right to request that we no longer process your personal data for particularpurposes, or to object to our processing of your personal data for particularpurposes.• Right to data portability – You have the right to request us to provide you, ora third party, with a copy of

Other Relevant Privacy Policies

Some of our third party advertising partners ask us to make you aware of theirprivacy policies. These policies are available by following the links below:


Questions and Complaints

If you have any queries or complaints in connection with our processing of yourpersonal data, you can get in touch with us using the following contact details:Email: revision +353 1 443 4512Post: Evolve Immersions Ltd. 55 Hanover Dock, Forbes St., Hanover Quay, GrandCanal, Dublin 2